התפתח ולהעשיר אחרים.


Melachim Alef-1 Kings 18. 21,24.

And Eliyahu came unto all the Jewish People(Ha'Kol Ha'Am), and said, Ad Mosai-How long will you be in between two opinions-Polekhim?(Hashem and Idol gods-Yashke)? If Hashem be Ha'Elohim, follow him; but if Ha'Baal (Literally the one that you have made your master.Idol gods,Yashke), then follow him.

And the Jewish People answered not a word.


And call you on the name of your gods-Shem Eloheichem (Yashke, Idol gods), and I (Eliyahu) will call on the name of Hashem (Shem Elohim); and the god who answer by fire, let him be G-d! And all the Jewish people answered and said, it is well spoken.

Read verses 30,31,34,37-40.


40. And Eliyahu brought them (Idol gods, Baal statutes) down to the brook, Kishon, and threw them there.



Ein Hashem Elochim Aval Achrot

There is no other G-d but Hashem!


Ps 49. 7-9 No one can become a ransom for man (Yashke couldn't die for man, it's plain to see right in the Tora).

Jer 16. 19-20 Shall a man make himself gods?


I had to give this definition to a Notsri who was upset with me for my comments regarding them calling Yisrael Christian in a blog. He said that I am considered a Goy in the presence of Jews, thus relating Ashkenazim. Since he lacked competence it was necessary for me to give him some explanation amidst of other such things that I said. If they are going to say stupid stuff on blogs and postings then I am going to address them, correct them and make some people upset along the way. Truth has that kind of effect on people!


GOY- The Gimel represents the numerical value 3 or 300. Goy is spelled: Gimel, Vav, Yod. The first two letters Gimel, Vav combined means: The back! They that have turned their backs against G-d for other gods! Combined Gimel, Vav, Yod, plural Goyim coming from the root word: Goecha means: Heathen People literally thus Goy rendered in the saying: A person who has forsaken the Creator for other gods, a pagan! This means more than just Non Jewish it is relating to anyone person who represents the definition: Those who have forsaken the Creator, those who call and venerate other gods which are not gods at all! Those who have put another god which is not a god at all in place, in front of Hashem!  




There are 613 Mitzvots Torat Moshe-מצוות תורת משה

365 Negative commandments called: Mitzvot Ta'aseh-אסאילא מצוות And there are 248 Positive Mitzvot called- Mitzvot Aseh- אסאי המצווה


613 divided by 365 = 0.5954323. That means 60 % of Tora speaks against Idolatry(Avodah Zarah)Idolaters(Avodi Elilim) and Paganism (Avodat Elilim)! 


Hashem allowed 60 percent of Tora to warn the "Jew" to stay away from Idols(Gelulim-גלולים )False gods (Ellim Shua-אלים שווא )Yashke or  false godmen (Ish Elohim Shavua-איש אלוהים שווא )-demigods (Vanim Elimim- בנים אלימים).


It is called: Yehareg Ve'al Ya'avor meaning: "One should let himself be killed rather than to violate it."


These are Idolatry, Paganism, Murder and forbidden sexual relations. 60 % of Tora from Hashem explicitly implements how serious Hashem is about His people staying away from worshiping Idolsworshiping men. It is so, so clear that He says it for example in Tora in-  Lev 19. 4Ex 22.27Ex 20. 5Ex 20.4/ Not to make human forms- Ex 20. 20/ Not to missionize an individual into Idol worship- Dvarim 13.12


If you have the full printed listing of the 613 Mitzvot it behooves you to read each text from Tora very carefully! You (Christians, Messianic Christians) are breaking various verses in Tora by believing, worshiping, making a god out of, praying to, bowing to, and all other such things anyone does in the name of Yashke whom they call Yeshua- Jesus. This person is in a very serious, dangerous place following such Idolatry and will give an account of themselves before Hashem in that they have worshiped an Idol and called it a god, a son of a god, or son of gods as in Horus. You are going to have to pay for this accept you make Teshuvah, retract, and abandon the lie completely-you(Christians, Messianic Christians) all are lost!!!!



פאף ישו קסם משיח השקר


Puff The Magic Yashke is Licensed Exclusively to Rabino Elkana Ben Avraham and Rabino Aminadav Hinton. And by request can be used as it is currently being used on FaceBook, in Israel, Twitter etc.


Copyright. Puff The Magic Dragon is licensed as song, media to Leonard Lipton, Peter Yarrow. Albert Grossman. Warner Brothers. 1962-1963.          


And the animation in 1978. Rabbi Elkana Ben Avraham, Rabino Aminadav Hinton's Puff The Magic Yashke is our own version.



אתר זה הוקם כדי למשוך "יהודים" לחזור ליהדות! והרחק מישו, תנועות נוצריות כשני בית, קדוש שם, המשיחי הנצרות (ג'יף תעלול), יהודים למען ישו, משרדים הנבחרים של העם ואת כל קבוצות ישו האחרות כאן. בעזרת מידע נאות, היסטוריה, כתבי קודש, זה הפך להיות די ברור כי ישו לא היה המשיח, ושהוא עוד יותר וכל האמונות כאלה הכרוכים בו, מגיעים מרומי עתיקים, יווניים ועבודת אלילים מצריים. האשם של הצורך רק היהודי ותורתו!


This organization and website is established to draw "Jews" back to Judaism(Chizuk, Chumra, Devekut Derech Ha'Eretz, Dati Hashkafa Hiddur Mitzvah. Ikar Im Yirtseh Hashem!) and away from Isur Yashke and there Yashke Christian Movements as Two House, Sacred Name, Messianic Christianity(Messy Antic), Jews for Jesus, Chosen People's Ministries, Hope for Israel- which produces New Testaments in Hebrew/ English and sends them out to "Jews" for free to compel them to Yashke, shameful! And all the other Yashke- Jesus groups out here. With adequate information, history, scripture- it will become quite apparent that Jesus was not Ha'Mashiach and that He further and all other such belief's that involve him, come from ancient Roman, Greek Paganism! The Jew only need Hashem and His Tora!


We are not against Christians being Christian, only the propagandist proselytism of Jews! And the chameleon trickery of Messianics, that form of Christianity that use's Jewish garb, Jewish teachings, Jewish and Hebrew objectives , Jewish articles of religious observation as Kippas, Tallits, Tefilin, Tzitzit Katans, Beards and trick unlearned Jews into that form of Christianity. Jews need to stay Jews, and Christians need to stay Christians. There is no intertwining and mixing by Tora standards acceptable- Other than Shegets and Shiksa becoming Converts or Noahides! We know that Jesus is not the Mashiach and there is more than enough proven evidence within these pages to prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt.The effort of "Keeping Judah

(Jew Dah) Jewish" is to return the Jew back to their rightful place with Hashem. Who the Mashiach is or isn't is not the quintessential aspect of Jewish or Scriptural, Tora faith. Hashem is!!! and thus when you study these teachings within, will you discover the great length one tries to go to cause yashke to fit the categories of what and who a Mashiach is!


ההגנה הטובה ביותר כנגד הקדחת המשיחית ישו הנוצרי היא הוראה מדויקת והסבר, חושף את העובדות, שנתנה את משאבים ומאבק הנוצריים המשיחי מנסה בלהיות בנפרד משירותינו היהודים, עם הספרים, חוברות, עלונים שם, כדי להתמודד עם סדר היום שיש עימנו מיסיונרית נגד עצמו "שמירת יהודה יהודית". תורתו כפי שניתן לראות באתר זה.


The greatest defense against the Messianic Christian Yashke fever is accurate teaching and explanation, revealing the facts, giving out resources and combating the Messianic Christian attempts at being apart of our Jewish services, with there books, booklets, pamphlets, to counter there agenda with our own Anti missionary "Keeping Judah Jewish." teachings as seen on this website.


Have Ha'Shayle She'ela-questions? email us 



כדי לצייר את היהודי ללמוד תורה ,והתורה יסיר את כל המבנים של עבודת אלילים עבודה זרה, חילול השםלתקרב !


יהודה, יהודה הוא המונח הנוצרי המשיחי המרכזי המשמשלביאתו של המשיח יששאחרי ההופעה האמורהכמו שאתה תלמד מתורתו שלנו , לאחר שכביכול מופיע חמישים פעמים עדיין לא הצליח להשלים את כל הגשמה משיחית אמיתית. לכן אנו נוקטים יהודה חזרהכיהודה מייצג את היהודי ! לא אריה של שבט יהודה קלישה כמו בשימוש על ידי הרמאים האלה.


יהודה בנו הרביעי של יעקב ולאה לפנה"ס . יהודה התחייבהאחריות לשמור על בנימין בתקופת הרעב בספר בראשית הארבעים שלוש . זה היה יהודה , שנשלח לפני יעקב כדי לסלול את דרכובארץ גושן.. לכן שמירת יהודה יהודי שואבת את המאמץ בשמירההיהודימההשפעות הפגאניות המבקשות לציירולטרוף את העם היהודי שלנו! בתקווה שאותם יהודים שכבר רימו יחזרו (תיקו) לבצע תיקון מוסר  והחזרה (שבות) לבורא עולם , תורה , יהדות ויהדות

Draw the Jew to study Tora, and the Tora will remove all edifices of Paganism, Idolatry, Chillul Cholel Hashem-profanation, Idolatry, blasphemy!!!


Judah (Jew Dah), Yehudah has become the central Messianic Christian term used for the coming of there Messiah which after His supposed appearance, as you will learn from our teachings, after supposedly appearing 50 times still couldn't complete any real Messianic fulfillments. Thus we are taking Judah back as Judah represents the Jew! Not a lion of the tribe of Judah cliche as used by those deceivers in expressing Yashke to the Jew.


Judah the fourth son of Jacob and Leah BCE 1753. Judah undertook the responsibility of safeguarding Benjamin during the time of famine in Gen 43. 3-10. It was Judah who was sent before Jacob to smooth the way for him in the land of Goshen. ch 46. 28. Thus "keeping Judah Jewish" draws the effort in safeguarding the Jew from the pagan influences that seek to draw and devour our Jewish People! In the hope that those Jews who have been deceived will return (Tikun) make correction (Musar) and re-commit (Shivut) to Hashem, Tora, Judaism and YiddishKeit!


I realize that I can't do it alone. I need your help fellow Jews, Noahides, become a member, share these teachings with Jews that have gone bunkers into Yashke! And send me there email addresses so I can reach out to them and help them come back to Tora, Hashem and His Judaism.